Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Screaming in the night

Hits while sleeping are not very fun. Much needed rest interrupted by excruciating pain is the suckiest suck that ever sucked.

Pain is necessary to remind how good things are when we don't have it. Feckin' sleep deprived and stressed. I will sleep tonight.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Another hit at school

Well, it's at it again. That damned beast wrecking havoc on my brain. Luckily I had one more shot of Imitrex left in my backpack. It was 30 minutes until my next class and I was stuck in public. This is not the ideal situation when the beast comes calling. It took about 20 minutes for the Imitrex to work which left me 10 minutes until class. Another tragedy narrowly averted. I am so sick of these.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cluster Links and Information

For those not in the know, here's little bit of information for you.

Here's where we hang out digitally (online)

Hope that sheds a little light on the subject.
It's been a while since I've posted anything. Sorry for the delay. I have been pretty busy with school this semester.

I am still taking Verapamil, although I believe the efficacy is fading. I am experiencing headaches about twice a week now. Usually two full days of nicely spaced Kip - 6 or 7's every week. I lost my oxygen tank from Apria due to some pretty serious billing issues, so there's no immediate relief. I have been relying on Monster energy drinks to help alleviate the pain.

My neurologist is not keen on trying new things. He's stuck with the common drug treatments and not willing to work with me. I have since left his services. I am currently seeking a more headache oriented neurologist and I think I may have found one here in town. Now I have to convince my PCP that I need another referral in order for my insurance to help with the payment.

Hope everyone has pain free days.